Sunday, January 26, 2020

What Is The Future Of The European Union?

What Is The Future Of The European Union? The future European Union what should it be? An integrated federal state, a free trade area, something else? Since the first enlargement of the European Community in 1973 northward, which saw the inclusion of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark, the search for an ever closer union has been taking place. When EC recommended on 9th October 2002 that another ten countries should join in 2004, it is believed that the integration of Eastern Europe will push the European Union towards a new level, because it will provide a larger market, which will be the only way for the EU to compete in the new global economy. However, people cannot stop wondering, what the EU should be like in the future, as the new Europe will be highly diverse in all dimensions not only in the field of economics, but also geopolitics, and social conditions, political priorities. In this essay, it will look at the future EU, being a state with liberty, democracy and solidarity. Liberty has two meanings. To start with, in terms of The Single European Act, the chapter on the single market committed the EC to remove all internal barriers by the end of 1992, enabling the free flow of goods, services, capital and people in the member countries. There is little doubt that the internal market will become the prime focus of economic interest and activity over the next few years since it has given the EC a new lease of life. For example, potential microeconomic gains in welfare of some ECU 216 billion have been estimated for the EC, equal to some 5.3 per cent of GDP. A virtuous circle of benefits is expected, especially in the long term, from industrial reorganization, the reaping of economies of scale and through greater innovation. However, the enlarged Community is likely to experience greater internal problems since it now comprised a much less optimal grouping in its memberships. For example, doubts remain about whether sufficient structural funding will be forthcoming for the weakest Southern European economies to enable them to participate fully in EMU. It would appear that only a looser pattern of integration is compatible and suitable for the new Community in the future, particularly if it is to see continuing enlargement. Secondly, liberty requires openness and subsidiarity to be established as fundamental principles. citizens are informed of the remedies available if their rights, including fundamental rights, are not respected. These remedies include courts, ombudsmen and committees on petitions at all levels in the Union. A future Union should be a Union among the peoples of Europe, in which means decisions are taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to the citizen. European citizens in all Member States want a well-managed European administration that is open, accountable and service-minded. In which means, it need to ensure the establishment of an open, accountable and service-minded administration through a European administrative law. Like a car being serviced and redesigned, but until we have arrived, we dont know what the roads and traffic conditions will be like. Hence, a second important condition for progress towards closer union is that since nobody knows for sure what the enlarged EU will be like, the work of the Convention should not be underestimated. Much of it is inevitably technical and legalistic. But a huge task of simplification is under way which will increase coherence, transparency and comprehensibility of the political and institutional structures of the EU. Complex and incoherent decision-making rules and multiple routes for law-making are all being radically streamlined. But simplification can be politically sensitive. For example, if the vast majority of decisions in future are to be made by majority voting, getting rid of each countrys veto, then the EU may stand a chance of not seizing up, but governments and their publics will have to decide if they are ready for this kind of pooling of so vereignty and joint decision-making. Certainly, increased simplicity and transparency will help the enlarged EU be more democratic and more in touch with the public than the current one. But much more is needed to build a democratic Europe. The European Council of heads of state and the European Commission (which with enlargement will have 25 commissioner) between them share, in effect, the tasks of a European government they share the executive tasks for European policy. Increased democracy must mean these bodies are truly accountable. Currently, the Commission is weakly accountable to the European Parliament. The European Council is accountable to none as a whole though its individual heads of state are accountable separately to their own national parliaments. More political control and oversight is vital. Democracy is also about active participation and debate of the wider public, with real opportunities for access and input. Yet these aspects are also largely being ignored or lacking- the convention is focused on the institutional and legal elements of a new constitution and so risks leaving to one side creative thinking on how to build participative democracy in European politics. It is not enough that a new constitution is simple and accessible that can only be the first step. Thirdly, the new Europe also risks failing to play a strong and progressive role in the world despite the rhetorical commitments of Europes political leaders. The EU of 25 countries and half a billion people may be an economic giant but a political dwarf just at a time when global challenges and uncertainties call more than ever before for a clear European voice. The future of Europe convention is drafting a statement of values and goals for Europes role in the world with welcome emphasis on multilateralism, tackling poverty and discrimination and promoting peace and prosperity. But these good intentions run far ahead of the EUs ability to deliver a single common voice and strategy on the international stage. Countries like Britain and France remain highly reluctant to act together, even when their views converge, wanting their own individual profiles on the global stage. And they are even more reluctant to undertake the in-depth political discussions that would be needed to come to common positions when their views diverge. Europes confusion and multiplicity of views over the Iraq crisis show how far we remain from having a common and coordinated European position whether in the UN or in dialogue with the US. With enlargement, diversity of interests and views in Europe will grow. At the Copenhagen summit this week, the EU will invite 10 new members to join in 2004. This should be a beautiful, historic moment reuniting the European continent and healing the post-war divisions. But it is only the first step in meeting the European and global political challenges that the new Europe must address. If it fails, then this moment will be seen as a turning point that marked the start of the EUs decline and not its new beginning. Therefore, the capacity of the members of the Community to overcome their differences and move towards a common defence and security policy will provide a critical test in the coming years of their commitment to closer union. The prospects for this depend very much on the willingness of a core group among them and in particular France, Germany and Britain to concert policies and action. More than anything else it is the path they take on this set of issues which will determine whether or not a real European Union emerges, for without substantial progress towards a defence union it will remain seriously incomplete. The Convention on the Future of Europe is now drafting a new constitutional treaty that will address many of these problems. But its deliberations are focused on current problems, with too little attention to the new challenges that enlargement will bring such as dealing with poor and potentially unstable countries along its new eastern border. The biggest danger to the timetable for enlargement is the unpreparedness of public opinion across Europe. Half of the EUs population favours enlargement on average, but support varies a lot between countries. That matters because the accession treaty has to be ratified by all the member-states parliaments and the European Parliament, as well as by the 10 candidates parliaments following national referenda. At present, the risk of outright rejection appears small. But acrimonious battles about the EU budget have done nothing to endear enlargement to the public. The EU is about to complete its biggest and most important project of the decade: the re-integration of the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe into the European fold. Institutional flaws and money wrangles should not be allowed to divert attention from the significance of this achievement. Moreover, The EUs decision-making frameworks need a thorough overhaul. The most obvious problem posed by enlargement is that of sheer numbers. With 25 voices competing to be heard, a real exchange of views will be next to impossible unless the EU undertakes further reform of the Council of Ministers and the European Commission. But the differences will be more than arithmetical. There will also be qualitative changes as the new members add their own priorities to the EUs agenda. The political balance will change as the new members weigh in on one side of the argument or the other on every issue. For example, Poland will join the UK in opposing tax harmonisation and supporting NATO, but it could be a friend of Spain on increasing the size of the EU budget. The suggestion for realising European Union depend on all members of the EC put their efforts toward this aim, hence the dream for an ever closer union will be achieved.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Human Life Cycle

The human life cycle is essential to the world's population. It allows individuals to create families that can change society in multiple ways and all those individuals that has the capacity to change the world has a mother. Every soon to be mother wants an easy pregnancy but most importantly hopes and prays for a healthy baby. Understanding pregnancy is important soley due to the fact its a major factor in the cycle of life. Pregnancy involves growth, development and a new beginning.A women that is becoming pregnant with a child is also known as conceiving, this process carried out by having sexual intercourse with a male. A female ovulate an egg cell, oocytes goes down a uterine tube. During sexual intercourse male sperm moves into the vagina, which is near the female's cervix, this occurs in the reproductive system. The sperm cell swims up the uterus and meets up with the oocyte and the process of fertilization occurs. During sexual intercourse many sperms swim towards the oocyte but only one sperm cell has the ability to fertilize the egg.During beginning fertilization of the egg the cytoplasm triggers lysosomes vesicles that release enzymes that hard the zona pellucida so that it reduces the chance of more than one sperm can penetrates the oocytes. The egg divided then undergoes meiosis ends. The nuclei of the egg and nuclei of the sperm unite the membrane falls apart and the chromosome mingles which complete fertilization. The sperm cell and egg cell each has 23 chromosomes and during fertilization it 46 somatic cell this cell is called a zygote the first cell of the future offspring.The Zygotes undergoes mitosis 30 hours after forming, cells division occurs rapidly. The rapid cell division is called cleavage. During cleavage tiny cells move through the uterine tubes during the time of implantation cells in the interface of the blastocyst. The cell surrounding the embryo is called the placenta this organ attaches to the embryo and uterine wall exchanges o f nutrients ,gasses ,waste between maternal blood and embryo blood. The beginning of the embryonic stage the of the offspring is called an embryo. Embryonic stage ends at eight week of the prenatal development . During this ime the placenta form and major organ develops and the major external body structure appears. The cell in the inner cell mass flatten embryonic disc with two distinct layers the connection stalk attached to the embryonic disc to developed placenta farther . Ectodermic cell gives the nervous system and portions of special sensory organ ,epidermis ,hair, nail, glands of the skin. Mesodermal cell form all type of muscle tissue, bone tissue, bone marrow . blood, blood vessel, lymphatic vessel, connective tissues internal reproductive e organ , kidney and epithelial lining of body cavities.Endodermal cells produced the epithelial lining of the digestive tract ,respiratory tract, urinary bladder and urethra . When the chronrionic villi develops the embryonic blood vess el appears. During the 4th week of development the flat embryonic disc is a cylindrical structure and head and jaws develops the hearts starts to beats and tiny buds which will become upper and lower limbs forms. At 5th to 7 week the head grow rapidly and become more rounded and face begins to develop showing eyes nose mouth and more human like.The upper and lower limbs elongate and figure and toes appears . By the end of the seventh week all the main internal organs are present ,the structure in enlarges and the embryonic become more human like appearance . End of 8 week until birth the offspring s called a fetus. Fetal stage is the end of the eighth week of the development and last until the birthing process during this time the fetus is growing very rapidly the body proportion enlarge at a considerable rate. The beginning of the fetal stage the head is larger than the limbs are short.During the third month the body length accelerates and the head growth slows. During the twelve w eek the external reproductive organ are distinguishable male or female. At the 4th month the body grows 20 cm the skeleton beginnings to ossify. The following month the skeleton muscles contracts and the pregnant woman may fell fetal movement, hair begins to appears on the head . During the 6 month the fetus gains weight and eyebrow and eyelash appear and the blood vessel in the skin give a red appearance in the fetus.During the last trimester the fetal brain cell develops rapidly . At the end of the ninth month 266 day the fetus is full term. The fetus is around 50 center meter and weight around 2. 7kg to 3. 6 kilogram everything is well develop and the fetus head is toward the cervix. Pregnancy ends with the birthing process, during this period rapid changed occurs. Progesterone starts to decline and it suppress the uterine to contracts, this stimulated synthesis of prostanglandin the uterine contracts.The cervix begins to thin and opens ,stretching of the uterine and vaginal tiss ues occurs. The nerves impulses to the hypothalamus which signals the posterior glands to release the oxytocin hormones this stimulates powerful contraction. During labor the rhythmic contraction begins ,the fetus is positioned head downward and labor contraction forces the head towards the cervix. The cervix begins to dilate and increase in oxytocin is release. As labor continues the abdominal muscles contracts and forces the fetus through the cervix and the vagina to the outside.After the delivery of the neonatal the placenta separates the uterine walls and is expelled the birth canals. Bleeding occur after the expelling which is called the after birth. Pregnancy involves a lot of different change in the body for the mother and the baby. This occurs from unite of the male and female and a miracle of life begins. The changes happen in a very rapid speed each day different development occurs . The beginning of a new family occurs between the individuals mother, father, child. This i s only the beginning of the life journey, for the child. 1002 words

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The True Story About Essay Topics for Eurasia That the Experts Dont Want You to Know

The True Story About Essay Topics for Eurasia That the Experts Don't Want You to Know Introducing Essay Topics for Eurasia Enlargement presents a historic chance to unite a continent which has been divided for many decades. Due to that, women shouldn't be shunned out on any activities that they'd love to do, but they have to be empowered and given resources to help them. The geography of Eurasia is likewise an ultimate aspect. All countries should use the exact same currency. Among the landlocked nations in Asia are also Bhutan, Laos, Nepal and Mongolia that can be found in the inside of the continent and don't have accessibility to any ocean. GEOGRAPHY Russia, the biggest nation in the world, occupies one-tenth of all of the land on Earth. A big workforce and plenty of pure resources have driven economic shift. It was a crossroad for several of the big long-distance trade routes. The growth in innovation caused the growth of technology and steel weapons. Monsoons along with the significance of trade networks remained an extremely important continuity during this period period. Who Else Wants to Learn About Essay Topics for Eurasia? While the benefits are comparatively larger for the possible members since they start from a lower economic base, there are gains for either side. Just choose suitable option or request our competent aid. To the tool great decision in merely a strategy. Consequently, value your time and take pleasure in the training. Admitsee crunched the very best college admissions officers actually wish to submit. The applicants will also gain from access to a single sector. It resulted in a lot of physical environmental alterations. In addition, we offer to alleviate a number of the pressure that includes intense academic studies in addition to give you some spare moment. The Basic Principles of Essay Topics for Eurasia That You Can Benefit From Starting Right Away Folks are, once more, leaving. Women were solely to blame for the occurrence of evil on the planet. Because of that, they need to empowered and equipped to be able to deal with the new conditions they find where they end up finding home. Moreover, the people could exchange innovations and diseases. Some people can call me selfish. You want something which can help you need something which will catch people's attention and put together. Not able to pull the finest and the brightest people. All About Essay Topics for Eurasia Essay writing is just one of many ways a kid has the ability to express himself or herself. Just be certain that your essay doesn't sound simply factual. Don't compose an argumentative essay if you don't believe it yourself. Writing quality essays is the principal use of our services. Your kid was requested to compose an essay as part of a school project, or as a type of essay contests for children, and you might find it challenging to think of persuasive essay topics. Thus, a teacher or mentor must produce topics that captivate a youngster's interest. American teenagers essay is an extensive subject that can be focused on several different elements which affect the teens, their issues and assorted areas in which teenagers have gained recognition. We've provided very distinctive and general topics essay which are usually assigned to students in the school. Doctors responded with a succession of changes are to thank for the growth of contemporary science. Let's get back issues from the start of this essay. For instance, if you're writing about this issue about elite athletes, you could argue that Michael Jordan is an elite athlete on account of the skills he has. Topics on health undoubtedly concern us all, that is the main reason why one needs to be extra careful when writing on these. You can decide to use the outcomes of this survey to compose an essay on women empowerment. Following are several types of essay topics for students that are categorized in many sections so you can easily chose the topic depending on your need and requirement. Students can do not an important portion of work inside this essay writing your assignment and discern. In the event the student cannot discover a particular study, this info shouldn't be included.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare - 1612 Words

Many women do not like being controlled. In the past, women were oppressed because they were not allowed to work and control aspects of their lifestyle, such as working themselves, rather they were forced to marry and depend on their spouses. William Shakespeare chose to present this concept through Katherina’s character in the play The Taming of The Shrew. Throughout the play, Katherina is seems to be untamable due to the manner in which she is first introduced, her attitude changes too abruptly for it to be convincing, and that she is either putting on an act or she s just scared. In the first scene when Katherina was introduced, it was made clear that she is not a submissive person; she is in fact very abrasive. In the Elizabethan era, it is custom that if a family had two daughters the one that is older would have to marry first. In this story, several men want to marry Katherina however she does not want to be wed. During their first interaction with Katherina, her suit ors are instantly aware of her temper. Katherina then tells her father she does not want to be embarrassed in front of the men. Hortensio makes a comment about her temper which Katherina responds to with ‘’I faith, sir, you shall never need to fear. I wis it is not halfway to her heart† (1.1.62-63). This shows that Katherina does not have any intention of marrying any of the men interested in her. Katherina s decision not only affects her, but her sister Bianca. Bianca is not able to marry anyoneShow MoreRelatedThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1316 Words   |  6 Pagespatriarchy, and have conquered in achieving a worthy opinion of their genders. In the taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare expresses the Elizabethan views of oppressive gender roles and the expectations of the submissive behavior of women. This play is about a man named Petruchio who is trying to tame a â€Å"shrew† Katharina .The play is misogynistic, which is apparent th rough the constant need for Petruchio to tame the shrew, Katherina, women’s dependence on men, and the ownership of women in the play.Read MoreThe Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare1321 Words   |  5 PagesFrom youth we have been showered with tales of true love’s kiss and of Prince Charming breaking the Evil Queen’s curse. Time and again, we are made to see the power of love. In the play, â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† by William Shakespeare, the renowned playwright takes love deeper than just passion. Shakespeare goes under the surface of love, all the way to its core. The story truly begins as Baptista Minola’s two daughters are readied for marriage: Bianca the sweet and innocent; Katherina the shrewdRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare Essay1990 Words   |  8 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare was written in the latter years of the Elizabethan Era. In this play, Shakespeare looks at the themes o f womanhood, patriarchy, courtship, and marriage, which are topics prevalent in Elizabethan Era. Amongst citizens, the topics hold strict beliefs in the public space. This play that illustrates a woman with such self-control and individualism, get forced into the life of a weak woman beholden to her husband. A once strong and domination female characterRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1097 Words   |  5 Pagesbeen prevalent throughout literature. The play The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare, examines this theme by detailing the female-pursuits of 3 men, Lucentio, Hortensio, and Petruchio, and their respective methods of â€Å"seduction†. While Lucentio lies in order to attract Bianca and Hortensio elects to marry a woman simply for her wealth, Petruchio, to the surprise of the other male characters, marries a foul-tempered and sharp-tongued â€Å"shrew†, Katherine. After their wedding, Petruchio, a selfishRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1181 Words   |  5 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare will appeal to Kalidasa because most of his plays are based on Puranas and this play can be used to show the values of Hindu Puranas and respect toward the deities. Hindu Puranas, ancient Indian literature about myths and legends, like Mahabharata teach the society about deed, religion, respect, knowledge, and royalty. Kalidasa can use Shakespeare’s play to reteach Mahabharata’s values, since the play presents themes of wealth, gender role, religiousRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1255 Words   |  6 PagesIn the play The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare, it focuses on two sisters who must get married however, the oldest must get married first. Here, Shakespeare presents to the audience, Katharina Minola. Katharina is portrayed as an outspoken and stubborn woman. In the play, Kate cannot find a husband because of her aggressive person ality, the men speak negatively about her and believe she is not a fit woman to marry. Although, in the play it may seem like Kate will never find a husbandRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare Essay1596 Words   |  7 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, it is an epic battle of the sexes. In the era that this play was written (Elizabethan), women were told what to do, how to act, and who to be. That is why Katherine is such a fascinating yet confusing character in this play. In this piece, the protagonist Kate is very complex and has many different, unique sides to her personality, which is frowned upon in this time. Before Katherine even spoke in this play she was this horrible, shrewish girl. WhenRead MoreTaming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare Essay2088 Words   |  9 PagesPetruchio’s Change In the play Taming of the Shrew, written by William Shakespeare, many characters are reshaped and given new personality traits. Petruchio is known as being a cocky man who intends to help tame a shrewish young lady named Kate. There are many critics that believe Petruchio is solely obnoxious and a bully but through out his interactions with Kate it is shown that he truly cares about the well being of others. Of course at the beginning of Petruchio’s plan to tame a young ladyRead MoreEssay on The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare1088 Words   |  5 Pages The Taming of the Shrew, written by William Shakespeare, is historical proof that flirting and temptation, relating to the opposite sex, has been around since the earliest of times. Because males and females continue to interact, the complications in this play remain as relevant and humorous today as they did to Elizabethan audiences. This is a very fun play, full of comedy and sexual remarks. Its lasting impression imprints itself into the minds of its readers, for it is an unforgettableRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Taming Of The Shrew889 Words   |  4 PagesIn many accounts, William Shakespeare’s Taming Of The Shrew, is often criticized for its seemingly misogynistic themes; such as the thought of â€Å"taming† a woman, thus making her completely submissive to her husband. While in the opening of the play, Katharine, ill-tempered but seemingly impenetrable, gets pulverized by Petruchio’s contradicting her words, and also saying disgusting jokes in an int ense verbal arguement. In another example, one of the other main characters, Bianca, was bet on by several